Sunday, January 6, 2013

..... til death do us part.

During the past several days I have been creating a contact list from information gleaned from our 50th Reunion Memories book.  The goal is to enable a quicker level of communication through the use of social media concerning our Class of '62, but I digress.   Several items struck me about the class, but of singular surprise was how many got married during or shortly after graduation, and are still together.  Many celebrated both their golden  wedding anniversary and 50th class reunion during the same year.  I came late to this married group, currently celebrating our 45th.

So what does this indicate about a Wabash man   While certainly not true as a sweeping statement, the concept of commitment comes to mind.  Perhaps being part of a generation of those who work through the variety of issues that swirl around two individuals in a relationship.  As a teacher, I have noted the number of recent students who after a dozen years, have ended marriages.  Clearly, it is not a simple answer, but I do believe the concept of "Wabash Always Fights" goes far beyond the sports field, entering the area of one's personal life to succeed in each endeavor. 

Your thoughts ........

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